Connect on a deeper level with people
How to Have Meaningful Conversations
Tired of the same superficial and so non-deep conversations, we thought so. So are we!
Are you done with that seemingly obligatory office small talk and ready to have a real conversation? If so then learn the art and skills of asking questions!
Tired of the same boring conversations with people?
Are you tired of those superficial conversations with colleagues and business relations? You can already predict how the conversation will go and how it will end.
Strangely enough, even amongst family and friends, you may often find yourself talking about the weather, sports or even gossip about people you know. And of course combine that with all that’s happening in the world, and you’ve got lots to talk about. But do you truly feel connected?
But what if there was more?
Do you often think that there should be more to life? We search the globe and our souls for deeper meaning, yet it remains elusive.
Having real and deep connections with the people who matter most to you gives life vastly more meaning. Also important to remember is that in almost all cases profound and meaningful conversations form the start of deep connections with people.
But how do you do that?
If you want to learn how to ask the questions that matter, how to really connect with people on a deeper level, and how to create conversations that you both remember, This free webinar is the perfect way to get started! You’ll also learn about the opportunities of how to master these skills and about the MMS Basic Coach Training program.
About The Speakers & MMS
Suzan Verzijden and Carel-Jan van Driel facilitate the MMS Basic Coach Training in the Netherlands. This is a blended training, partly online and partly face-to-face. To give you a preview of the training ; they facilitate webinars.
The MMS Basic Coach Training includes how to have profound conversations, how to connect with others on a deeper level, how to ask questions, how to support others, how to grow as a person and how to discover and transform your life in the direction that you would like!
When & Where
- Date: Wednesday, August 11th, 2021
- Time: 19:30 – 21:00
- Where: Online
How it Works
- Step 1: Register for the event
- Step 2: You will receive a zoom link
- Step 3: Join using the zoom link