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Discover your Conditioning Areas with Human Design

Human Design offers a manual that indicates how you are unique as a person and gives you objective genetic information about who you are designed to be.

Human Design-Elaira Flow-featured

Discover your Conditioning Areas with Human Design

  • 19:00
  • Stellar Amsterdam | Kinkerstraat 85

Where we are most sensitive, we get most conditioned by society, parents and our surroundings. The awareness of our ‘sensitivity map’ is crucial for us to thrive in this hectic world because this is the part where we often get off track, confused & distracted from our natural path.

The more you know about where exactly you are open for conditioning, the easier it will be to prevent your energy from leaking away. Moreover, those sensitive areas in you are often hiding your biggest talents.

In a very exact way, Human Design can show you the blueprint/map of your areas where you are the most sensitive for it. There are nine areas, which ones do you have? Are you sensitive to (other people’s) emotions, stress, expectations, fears, doubts, or to certain places….? What if those fears or emotions were never yours, to begin with?

What is Human Design? In a broader sense, Human Design offers a manual that indicates how you are unique as a person and gives you objective genetic information about who you are designed to be. It’s a logical system that brings together principles of The I Ching, astrology, Kabbalah, Chakra system, and quantum physics.

We will talk about:

  • The 9 different kinds of sensitivity where you are the most open to being conditioned.
  • Everyone will learn their specific areas, based on Human Design
  • What is needed to turn the sensitivities into strengths
  • We will go through personal examples and life situations.

For this gathering, I invite my dear colleague in the coaching field – Ayla Verheijen. She really loves to guide people to find their calling in life. And she does it in a very unique way, through energetic methodologies she built through the years. Her other superpowers are being an authentic & revolutionary marketing expert and human design consultant. More about Ayla: https://thecircleoflight.nl/ayla-verheijen/.

If you’d like to learn more about your Human Design profile (or create it), read her blog full of excellent free stuff on getting your Human Design profile.

Note: to get the best value out of this meeting, we will ask to do some specific reading in advance. Please register soon! Spots are limited.