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What’s Going On With the Rising Health Insurance Defaulters in the Netherlands?

Categories: Healthcare,Latest News,News from the Netherlands

The number of folks in the Netherlands skipping out on their health insurance premiums is on the upswing. As of September, 184,500 people are behind on payments, up from last year’s 178,912, says Central Administration Office (CAK), as reported by NOS.

So, what happens when you fall behind by more than half a year? Well, your health insurer snitches on you to the CAK. They then swoop in to collect those missing payments straight from your benefits or salary, ensuring you’re still covered.

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The Mystery of the Missing Payments

The CAK is not sure if recent premium hikes are to blame, but it’s definitely on their radar. Just last week, Dutch health insurer DSW announced a €9.50 bump in next year’s monthly premiums. Other insurers might just follow suit.

Younger folks, in particular, are feeling the pinch with these overdue payments. Many aren’t cashing in on the health care allowance (zorgtoeslag) they qualify for. To fix this, the Dutch government is rolling up its sleeves to simplify the application process and throw in some extra support.

Read Also: Your Guide to Health Insurance in the Netherlands

And let’s not forget the economic gremlins—rising living costs and inflation in the Netherlands are making it tough for many to keep up with those rising premiums. With wallets getting tighter, more people might find themselves in a pickle trying to stay on top of their health insurance payments.

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