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No commitment, have a cleaner on a regular basis and dedicated customer service

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Miele Laundry Club-featured

Leave Your Laundry to the Miele Laundry Club

As an expat in Amsterdam you have a busy life. Your work, your family, your friends, they all need attention. And besides that, you also have a household to manage. To help you with your household, and to give you more spare time to enjoy, Miele introduced the Miele Laundry Club: a laundry service that…

Guide to-Property in the Netherlands

Your Quick Guide to Buying Property in the Netherlands

Luckily there aren’t any restrictions in place for foreigners when buying a property in the Netherlands. However, you will need to know how the Dutch housing market works before you dive in and purchase your own home. Here are some quick tips for navigating the Dutch property market. Know the costs and shop around for…

A Guide to Utilities in The Netherlands

Welcome to the Netherlands, a country as flat as a pancake, the largest beer exporter in Europe … where utilities are just as hard to wrap your head around as anywhere else in the world! Your expat life needn’t kick off on a bitter tone – which is why we compiled this handy guide explaining…

Buying Property in Almere

Sitting on the IJmeer looking towards Amsterdam, Almere is a vibrant and bustling young city. Besides the average age in Almere being almost seven years lower than the national average, the city itself was only built in the 1970’s. Situated in the province of Flevoland, the land where Almere stands was reclaimed from the sea…

dutch rent allowance-featured

Rent Allowance in the Netherlands – The Huurtoeslag

Anyone who’s tried to rent a house in the Netherlands will tell you how hard it can be – with ever-rising rental prices just adding to the struggle. Yep, renting in the lowlands (especially Amsterdam) can often seem like an impossible task. With climbing rental prices and a shortage of accommodation, you don’t need the…

Your Checklist for Buying a House in The Hague

Known as the Royal City by the Sea, The Hague offers a wide variety of places to live. From the beach in Scheveningen to the canals of the city center, The Hague is a great option for expats looking to escape the rising price of renting. If only buying a property was as easy as…

perfect bid-house-featured

Making an Offer on a House: 10 Tips for a Perfect Bid

Picture this: you have viewed several properties and finally found your dream home. Now it’s time for the next step: placing a bid. But how do you do that in The Netherlands? With the following 10 tips we’ll explain to you how to place that perfect bid.

Estate Agent in The Netherlands-featured

Buying a House in The Netherlands? Here’s Why You Need an Estate Agent

With rents spiraling across the Netherlands – private sector rent costs an average of €2,200 per month in Amsterdam – buying a house can start to look appealing, particularly for expats who plan on spending a few years or longer in Holland. Buying a house offers an escape from rising rents, the freedom to redecorate…

Moving with Jessica

American-born Jessica Smith caught the travel bug when she spent a year studying abroad i n the UK. After finishing her degree in Britain she started her own company and jumped straight into a busy career in the film industry. So when her visa renewal application was rejected last year, going home wasn’t an option….