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5 songs to learn dutch expat republic

5 Songs To Help You Learn Dutch

Expat Republic is here to help you brush up on the Dutch you already know and to help you push through that taal-plafond to the next level.

How Sick is Dutch?

Have you ever wondered while learning and speaking Dutch how sick this language can be?

Lets Talk About Sex in Dutch

Let’s Talk About Sex in Dutch

When’s the last time you learned suggestive words in your Dutch language class? Raunchy phrases that are easy to remember but almost too embarrassing to say aloud?

Top Soft Skills-MBA

5 Top Soft Skills You Develop Studying an MBA Abroad

Last year I finished my MBA in the Netherlands, at Maastricht School of Management. The courses were comprehensive and the curriculum was extremely accurate for the current needs in the business field and the class is highly international.