5 Songs To Help You Learn Dutch
Expat Republic is here to help you brush up on the Dutch you already know and to help you push through that taal-plafond to the next level.

7 Dutch Words That Could Enrich Your Vocabulary
Here are 7 words that could enrich your Dutch vocabulary although chances are you will not learn them at school

How Sick is Dutch?
Have you ever wondered while learning and speaking Dutch how sick this language can be?

International Education Choices in the Netherlands for Teenagers
If you are planning to stay in the Netherlands for some time, you may be considering which system of education your teenage children should follow.

5 Ways We Can All Contribute to Limiting the Earth’s Temperature Increase
Have you noticed that every year we seem to be breaking more weather records (record-breaking temperatures in the Netherlands last summer, for example)?

How to Have Daily Conversations in Dutch With Far More Ease
Have you ever wondered how it seems that learning and speaking a new language are two different things?

Let’s Talk About Sex in Dutch
When’s the last time you learned suggestive words in your Dutch language class? Raunchy phrases that are easy to remember but almost too embarrassing to say aloud?

5 Arguments to Get Your Employer Onboard With Your MBA Plans
Once you have set your heart on following an MBA, your next question might be about the investment it will cost, both financially and in hours.

Everything You Need to Know About the Dutch School System
When you’re not familiar with it, a foreign school system can be incredibly confusing. There are usually a lot of if-thens involved that seem logical to those who grew up within it. But to others? Not so much.

5 Top Soft Skills You Develop Studying an MBA Abroad
Last year I finished my MBA in the Netherlands, at Maastricht School of Management. The courses were comprehensive and the curriculum was extremely accurate for the current needs in the business field and the class is highly international.