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an energy meter

Tips For Saving Energy in the Dutch Winter

The ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine has created a massive impact on the world economy. Inflation has risen tremendously and continues to increase every month, resulting in a global economic crisis. Energy prices are soaring, and many households are finding it difficult to keep up with the high costs of gas and electricity. In…

Short Stay Den Haag helena at Sea RS

Awesome Short Stay Rentals in Den Haag

With an impressive array of international organizations, schools, government buildings and job opportunities, Den Haag is a popular destination for many expats moving to the Netherlands.

What you Need to Know About a VvE expat republic

What you Need to Know About a VvE

If you buy an apartment in the Netherlands, you will have to send money every month to the VvE, the mysterious-sounding Vereniging van Eigenaren – or homeowners association. Here’s what you need to know about the VvE.