Foreign Bank Account Reporting: FBAR Filing, Deadlines, and Forms
If you are an American national, you probably know that you must file a tax return in the United States wherever you live abroad.
If you are an American national, you probably know that you must file a tax return in the United States wherever you live abroad.
Let’s talk about a hot topic in the Netherlands – inflation. An easy conversation starter for you as an expat, as the Dutch could keep talking about the current cost of living in the Netherlands.
Workplace IT is a pain in the backside. So, it’s no surprise that when most of us get home, we do as little with our technology as possible.
Taxes. Many people loathe them, and few like them. But whether you’re a fan of taxes or not, it’s a legal requirement to fulfill your obligations wherever you are resident.
It has been a wild ride for cryptocurrency lately. From astronomical highs to a current bear market, cryptocurrency can be both a rewarding and frustrating endeavour.
So you’re a US citizen and have chosen the Netherlands to live and work.
Hiring skilled and educated talent for your company is never easy. But, making the right hire for a position is essential
Rental prices are spiking across the Netherlands. At the same time, wages are stagnating. This means that you may find it harder to provide for yourself or your family.
To qualify for the attractive 30% rule, it is assessed whether the employer has recruited the employee from abroad.
The Dutch road network is now one of the safest in Europe, and while accidents are infrequent, they do happen!