Swimming in the Amsterdam Canals
The Netherlands is a very watery nation. It boasts an enormous coastline, an intricate infrastructure of canals, several natural and manmade lakes, parks filled with ponds and,
The Netherlands is a very watery nation. It boasts an enormous coastline, an intricate infrastructure of canals, several natural and manmade lakes, parks filled with ponds and,
From the 7th to the 25th of September, join the Scapino Ballet Rotterdam and the Dutch band Blaudzun along with Codarts Circus Arts to pay homage to 135 years of the Koninklijk Theater Carré with their performance “Oscar.”
What is Polderen, you ask? The Polder Model is a very Dutch invention that some say started in the 1980s. Still, others like Stijn Kuipers insist it started in the 1920s. Even more believe it began a thousand years ago. It’s an inclusive way of thinking that tries to calm the superego and promote a…
Windmills, clogs, bikes, and tulips. For many, the Netherlands conjures images of a peaceful, relaxed, and liberal country. But don’t be fooled.
Social media is an integral part of every expat’s life. It’s how we stay connected to our friends and families back home. It’s also how we navigate our new lives abroad.
It can be easy to resist spring cleaning our homes until we really have no other choice. There can be many scenarios that finally help us to give in and at least make a plan.
Recently, the Dutch police have sent out a video warning that many people have been victims of a new phone scam going around the Netherlands.
Today marks the start of the Carnaval season. No, this isn’t about Brazil. The Southern Dutch provinces have a Carnaval all their own, though they share common roots.
Divorce rates in the Netherlands are high. Although getting divorced is now very common, this does not make it any less stressful.
The Netherlands, literally meaning ‘low-lying land’, is almost 26% below sea level. Around 17% of the whole country is reclaimed from the sea or lakes.