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The Netherlands is Mastering the Art of Work-Sleep Balance

Categories: Culture,Latest News,News from the Netherlands

When it comes to nailing that sweet spot between work and sleep, the Netherlands is doing amazing.The Dutch are clocking in an average of eight hours and five minutes of sleep each night, based on a recent study. That’s a whole hour more than your average European! What’s the secret? A short workweek, averaging just 32.2 hours, one of the lightest in Europe. This not only keeps stress at bay but also gives a big thumbs up to overall health.

a woman stretches after waking up from sleep

Work Smarter

Dutch companies are champions of the “work smarter, not harder” mantra. They’re all about flexible hours and getting employees to soak up some sunshine with outdoor activities. This little trick with natural light? It’s a game-changer for better sleep and overall wellness, blending work, exercise, and downtime into one harmonious package.

Read Also: Do You Have Sleep Problems? Learn Your Sleep Chronotype

While countries like Finland, Denmark, and Germany are also on the leaderboard for work-sleep balance, the Dutch approach is in a league of its own. Even with fewer hours on the clock, productivity doesn’t take a hit—in fact, it often surpasses expectations. More sleep means sharper focus, smarter decisions, and happier workers, which naturally leads to higher retention and a more motivated team.

As the world wakes up to the importance of sleep for both body and mind, the Netherlands is setting the trend, showing us all that it’s totally possible to put a well-balanced life first and still come out on top economically. Let’s take a page from their book and start dreaming of a better work-sleep balance!

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