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6 Dutch Habits for Self-Care

Categories: Healthcare,Latest News

Welcome to a land where windmills spin, tulips bloom, and the culture is as vibrant as it is unique. One delightful surprise for newcomers is discovering the Dutch dedication to self-care—not in an extravagant spa-day way, but through practical, everyday habits that promote balance and well-being. If you’re keen on blending into Dutch life while also enhancing your own, you’re in the perfect spot. Here are six Dutch self-care habits that will deepen your appreciation for the Netherlands.

a cozy place to read at home with a book, cup of tea, pillows, and beige sheets

1. Niksen: Mastering the Art of Doing Absolutely Nothing

First on our list is niksen, a term that celebrates the joy of doing nothing. But this isn’t your run-of-the-mill idleness; it’s a deliberate pause to unwind and let your thoughts drift. Unlike the relentless hustle you might be accustomed to, the Dutch embrace guilt-free breaks. It’s not laziness; it’s a mindful mental reset.

Whether gazing out a window, relaxing in a park, or lounging at home, niksen is your ticket to relaxation. It’s about shedding the need for constant productivity and simply savoring the present. This practice, embraced by many, helps lower stress and clears the mind—an excellent habit worth trying.

a young woman learning dutch at her table

2. Language Learning: Unlocking New Connections

Living in the Netherlands offers the rewarding opportunity to learn Dutch. While English is widely spoken, learning the local language can transform your social life and mental well-being. The Dutch hold a soft spot for those who try to speak their language, and even basic knowledge can open doors to deeper connections and understanding.

Learning a language isn’t just about words; it’s a mental workout. Studies suggest that picking up a new tongue boosts cognitive function and memory while delaying cognitive decline. Plus, it’s a fun way to immerse yourself in Dutch culture, from jokes to literature. And nothing beats the confidence boost from nailing those tricky Dutch sounds!

A gezelligheid christmas party

3. Gezellig: Embracing Cozy Connections

If there’s a word that perfectly captures Dutch culture, it’s gezellig. Think of it as creating a warm, cozy vibe, whether with friends, family or during a solo evening at home. The Dutch cherish these comforting moments of connection.

Gezellig is more than just having fun; it’s about being present and soaking in the moment, often with loved ones or in peaceful solitude. Whether it’s a slow meal with friends, a coffee chat, or candle-lit reading, embracing gezellig helps you slow down and enjoy life’s simple joys, boosting both emotional and social health.

Expat Republic 5 Tips for Cycling in the Dutch Wind

4. The Great Outdoors: Daily Nature Embrace

Although small, the Netherlands is brimming with natural beauty, and the Dutch make the most of it. They love spending time outside, cycling through scenic landscapes, strolling along beaches, or enjoying urban parks. It’s not just about staying fit; it’s a way to reconnect with nature, breathe fresh air, and lift your spirits.

With flat terrain and extensive cycling paths, biking is a daily affair for many. If biking isn’t your thing, walking or unwinding in a park also works wonders for mental health. Studies affirm that nature time reduces stress, anxiety, and depression, making this an essential Dutch self-care practice.

problem solving as a team for optimal efficiency

5. Efficiency: The Secret to More Free Time

Dutch efficiency is renowned. They excel at accomplishing tasks swiftly and effectively, leaving ample time for what truly matters. Whether work, chores, or socializing, the focus is not wasting time.

Rooted in practicality, the Dutch often work fewer hours yet remain highly productive. This balance frees up time for hobbies, family, and relaxation. By adopting this efficient approach, you can reduce stress, prevent burnout, and create more space for self-care.

a woman paints a landscape picture in her studio

6. Hobbies & Passions: Prioritize What You Love

The Dutch recognize the value of nurturing hobbies and passions. Whether joining a club, picking up a new sport, or dedicating time to what you love, they believe in cultivating interests beyond work. This isn’t just a pastime; it’s vital for a balanced, fulfilling life.

Hobbies provide purpose and accomplishment and are fantastic for meeting new people and building community. In the Netherlands, opportunities abound, from art classes to sailing clubs. Making time for hobbies isn’t a luxury; it’s necessary for a well-rounded life.

The Dutch offer a refreshing perspective on self-care, blending practicality with mindfulness. This charming country has much to teach, from the delights of niksen and gezellig to the perks of efficiency and outdoor adventures. Whether settling in the Netherlands or just visiting, consider embracing these habits for a happier, healthier life. After all, when in the Netherlands, why not live like the Dutch?