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6 Ways You Will Change When You Move to The Netherlands from the USA

Categories: Culture,Latest News

Moving to a new country can be a transformative adventure, especially when transitioning from the USA to the Netherlands. For Americans immersing themselves in the peaceful canals and picturesque windmills of the Netherlands, various profound shifts are commonly experienced. Here are six ways individuals might evolve during this transition.

Friends talking in a direct way to each other

1. Embracing Directness

The Dutch are renowned for their straightforward communication style. In the Netherlands, there’s no beating around the bush—people speak their minds directly. While initially surprising for those accustomed to more indirect approaches, this honesty proves liberating. Adopting this candid communication fosters transparent and efficient interactions, empowering individuals to express themselves openly and authentically.

2. Nourishing with Real Foods

Bid farewell to processed fare and oversized portions. Healthy Dutch cuisine (not the bitter ball and deep fried stuff!) celebrates fresh, locally sourced ingredients, turning market visits into joyful rituals filled with seasonal produce and artisanal bread. With hearty dishes and abundant seafood, the Dutch culinary scene promotes healthier eating practices. Residents find themselves relishing simple, wholesome meals and embracing activities like biking to the market, solidifying their commitment to well-being.

an image of a collection of dutch bicycles in spain

3. Embracing a Car-Free Lifestyle

In the Netherlands, cycling isn’t just a choice—it’s a lifestyle. With extensive bike lanes and a culture that prioritizes cyclists, many opt for bicycles over cars. This shift eliminates the hassle and costs associated with car ownership while encouraging an active and eco-conscious ethos. Reliable public transportation further facilitates easy mobility, offering a sense of freedom and reducing stress associated with traffic congestion and parking woes. Say goodbye to sitting in smog traffic for hours!

Work-Life Balance Tips-Excercise

4. Living an Active Lifestyle

Daily life becomes more dynamic in the Netherlands, thanks to the ubiquitous biking culture and pedestrian-friendly cities. Physical activity seamlessly integrates into everyday routines, whether commuting by bike, strolling along scenic canals, or partaking in outdoor pursuits. This active lifestyle enhances overall well-being, infusing residents with vitality and inspiring outdoor adventures amidst the country’s captivating landscapes.

See Also: 10 Things You Will Miss About the USA when Moving to the Netherlands

5. Embracing Natural Beauty

The Dutch embrace a minimalist and natural beauty aesthetic, foregoing heavy makeup and intricate hairstyles. Opting for a fresh-faced, effortless look simplifies morning routines and encourages a deeper appreciation of one’s natural allure. By paring down on makeup, individuals feel more at ease in their skin, celebrating the authenticity and simplicity synonymous with Dutch elegance.

6. Cultivating Tranquility

One of the most notable transformations is the reduction in stress and anxiety levels. The Dutch lifestyle prioritizes work-life balance, offering shorter workweeks, ample vacation time, and a culture that values relaxation. Embracing a slower pace allows individuals to savour life’s simple pleasures, fostering a sense of contentment and groundedness. This newfound tranquility profoundly impacts mental well-being, nurturing a more serene and fulfilling existence.

Relocating to the Netherlands from the USA unveils many positive changes, from embracing direct communication to nurturing healthier habits and experiencing a more relaxed lifestyle. These metamorphoses elevate physical health and enrich the overall quality of life, promising a rewarding journey for those embarking on this transformative path. But remember, if you are a US citizen thinking of moving to the Netherlands, you still will need to comply with the US tax authority. For the most streamlined procedure to do so, contact Blue Umbrella.