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Book a Free Consultation4 Things to Know About The Netherlands’ Highly Skilled Immigrant Visa Program
Categories: Career Advice,Latest News
The Netherlands’ Highly Skilled Immigrant visa program is a way for the country to introduce highly skilled ‘knowledge’ workers into the economy. It is helpful for highly skilled workers who want to move to the Netherlands and benefits the Dutch economy by having workers who are very skilled in their positions. This article goes over 4 things to know about the program.
1. Companies Can Initiate the Process
With a new creation of IN Amsterdam (an immigration department) employers can initiate the registration process for a residence permit prior to an expats arrival in the country. After the employee arrives in the Netherlands, they can go ahead and collect all relevant permits and complete all registrations in just one visit. In addition, the new employee also receives a citizen service number.
2. IN Amsterdam can Assist with Almost All Issues for Expats
IN Amsterdam, which stands for International Newcomer Amsterdam (and formerly the Expatcenter Amsterdam) is a one-stop-shop for international newcomers in Amsterdam. It mainly serves companies and their highly skilled migrant employees. In addition, it serves scientific researchers, international entrepreneurs, and international graduates. IN Amsterdam can be a valuable resource to highly skilled migrants and if there are any questions on your situation, it is highly recommended to contact them.
3. There Are Income Requirements to be a Highly Skilled Immigrant
Each year, the income requirements for highly skilled immigrants to be eligible for a visa program changes. In 2019, it is such that highly skilled migrants from the age of 30 on must make €4,500 per month gross excluding holiday allowance. If younger than 30, this number must be at least €3,299 gross per month excluding holiday allowance. If you’ve graduated in the Netherlands, the number is different. It is €2,364 per month excluding holiday allowance. Lastly, foreign nationals who are applying for a highly skilled migrant visa within three years of graduating from a top 200 university must make at least €2,364 per month as well. If you plan to come to the Netherlands to perform scientific research or are a doctor training to become a specialist, then you do not have to meet this income requirement. As stated earlier, this income requirement changes from year to year and as of January 2013, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment reviews this in accordance with recent index figures from Collective Labour Agreement wages.
4. Check the Intra-corporate Transfer
In late 2016, a directive from the EU was established and implemented in the Netherlands which allows multinational companies to transfer skilled workers from non-EU countries into the EU. This directive overrides the highly skilled migrant visa program. It might make sense to check out this program before going full fledge in the highly skilled migrant program because it may be easier and simpler.
Good luck!